The Future of Project Management and AI: A Conversation with Timur Karamov.

Written by
Alyssa Lefever
Alyssa Lefever
  • 02 min. reading
  • Testimonial
  • Project Management

We asked Timur Karamov, Project Manager at Prosource, what he mostly enjoys about his role and how he sees the future of Project Management.


Timur’s Current Role as Project Manager

A significant portion of my work involves enabling the project team, IT suppliers and business stakeholders to successfully implement a global infrastructure initiativeEach country is unique bringing its own requirements and challenges.  This also provides an opportunity to meet and work with many bright and talented people. 

Effective collaboration is a key when we work together and leverage on each other expertise we manage to find solutions faster and keep the implementation moving forward. Maintaining optimism can be challenging yet  it’s important because it helps us focus on the future while learning from past experiences.”


His Early Steps with AI and Machine Learning

The rise of AI is likely to change our approach to many things very soon. I’ve been using GeAI for a while and I’ve always been curious about how it works.  When I discovered AWS DeepRacer I knew it was the perfect opportunity to practical hands-on learning. The idea is intuitive and straightforward: you train your own mathematical model—a robot car—to complete a track as fast as possible and compete with people all over the globe.

I was surprised by how easy it was to get started; it’s fully cloud-based and did not require any specific knowledge or complicated configurations. The real challenge was figuring out how to improve results without the ability to directly control the mathematical model's behavior. It almost felt like helping my child take their first steps.

I was pleased to see that as the model converged, it was able to consistently demonstrate good performance—something we sometimes struggle with in larger Generative AI models.”


The role of AI in Project Management

“I believe AI could automate many routine tasks that currently consume a large portion of a project manager's work, for example, planning, budgeting, communication management, and reporting or even in choosing the best tools and PM methodology that best fit a specific project. 

I think there will be numerous opportunities for small-scale, custom AI models that are trained for specific projects or processes. These models could bridge the gap between large, enterprise-wide solutions. Probably, the role of the project manager will be adjusted—we might all become a bit like data scientists. On the other hand, we will be able to focus more on human interactions by delegating administrative tasks to AI.”


Timur’s insights show us how AI has the potential to streamline project management tasks and contribute to a future where human interactions and technology can coexist harmoniously. Thank you for this insightful conversation.